We’re building a High School in Kenya

In a region where no secondary schools currently exist, thousands of young people are deprived of the chance to continue their education. For many families, the distant boarding schools are simply unaffordable, creating a massive gap in educational access.

Dumari’s secondary school project is designed to fill this gap and provide a sustainable, long-term solution. Thanks to the local community, who generously donated the land for the school, we are able to bring this vision to life. Once the school is built with external financial support, it will be registered and managed by the local government, ensuring that quality education remains accessible for generations.

Our project isn’t just about constructing a school—it’s about building hope, opportunity, and a brighter future for the entire community. We’re partnering with local governments and communities to ensure that this school thrives for the long term.

How You Can Help:

To complete this life-changing project, we need to raise €80,596. Every donation helps us get closer to providing thousands of students with the education they deserve. Your support can directly impact these young lives, giving them the opportunity to learn, grow, and succeed.